Salem PrayerCenter

‘The Salem Prayer Center’ is the Head Quarters of GVI. It has a Bible Institute, training youth and Missionaries Equipping them to fight all evil and spread theWord of God . We are planning it to be a Missinory Seminary to be useful for all of India and the Asian countries

The Revival and Outreach Ministries are yet another very active rappidly growings stem of the Prayer Missions Center. Many souls have been saved, healed and have received the most gifted wonderful Deliverance . We have received a good amount of support and acknowledment from the people through these ministries.

GVI’s Office has compiled Gospel Articles into a journal called the ‘Gospel News Magazine’

We have a Project to start a ‘Mercy Home’ for the Old age people and a Boys Home at the earliest.

North India Ministry.

It is the the Head Quarters of GVI of Northern India sector. This sector has trained personals both anointed and gifted to guide those who have received calling and forming New Missionaries. They are training and schooling Missionary students and adults to send an estimated no of 6000 Missinories to North India and for an active Social Welfare Enaction.

The North Indian Ministry wish to start a Bible Collage with a faculty of highly anointed staff having a peerless expertise in the Christian religion and theHoly Bible. Their main focus as being the Missionary building has made them open a Rehabilitation Center for the Destitute a truly noble and Challenging act.


Your generous gift and contributions are to be send to be in the name of;

(In India)
Gospel Voice Of India
A/c No:11650100123651
Federal Bank, Makamkuzhi,
Mavelikkara, Kerala, India

(Out Side India)
In the favour of Rev.J.Thomas (President of GVI)
A/c No: 57040450733
State Bank Of Travancore, Mavelikkara
Kerala ,India